© 1999 - 2012  This web portal is hosted by SWIM STAR 2000 Agency, Belgrade, Serbia

By Igor Rasula
  Swim Star 2000 Agency, Belgrade                                                                             © 2012 All Rights Reserved 
 Exclusive interview for the Swim Star Web Portal, arranged on the relation Belgrade (SRB)-Sofia (BUL) on May 27, 2012 
This interview that is dedicated to the swimming audience of Serbia and the wider region of the Western Balkan has been arranged  for Swim Star 2000 Agency
10th Anniversary of the First Bulgarian Swimming Site

Dr.Ivan Tsanov
Dr. Ivan Tsanov, former elite Bulgarian swimmer, Secretary general of the ABS (Association of the Bulgarian Swimmers), Editor of the Magazine "Swimming & Water Polo" and LEN correspondent, last 15 years, with all his knowledge, enthusiasm, media and other experiences, devotees to the new modern development of the Swimming sport, not only in his native land but also in the Region of the Balkans and wider. In the course of  2002, he established the First Bulgarian Swimming Site, which through time has become respectable place for the aquatic sport in domain of World Wide Web. Having in mind the fact that at the beginning of June 2012 worthy anniversary - 10 years of the FBSS is going to be celebrate, through the light of our great friendship that was nestled, we ask Dr. Tsanov for an exclusive interview.
Dr. Ivan Canov, nekada elitni bugarski plivac, Generalni sekretar Asocijacije bugarskih plivaca, Glavni urednik magazina "Plivanje & vaterpolo" i dopisnik LEN Magazina, poslednjih 15 godina sva svoja znanja, entuzijazam, medijska i druga iskustva posvecuje novom modernom razvoju plivackog sporta, ne samo u njegovoj domovini, vec isto tako i regionu Balkana i sire. Pocev od 2002 godine, osnovao je Prvi Bugarski plivacki sajt (FBSS), koji je tokom vremena postao respektabilno mesto za vodene sportove u domenu elektronskih medija. Imajuci u vidu cinjenicu da se pocetkom juna 2012.god. proslavlja 10-ta godisnjica osnivanja ovog uglednog sajta, a u svetlu velikog prijateljstva koje je tokom tog peroda odnegovano, zamolili smo Dr. Canova za ekskluzivni intervju.

Welcome to the Swim Star Web Portal...
Dobrodoslica na nas portal, jednom od retkih ljudi u regionu jugo-istocne Evrope, ciji je zivot posvecen plivackom sportu... Velike cestitke za 10-tu godisnjicu FBSS (Prvog Bugarskog plivackog sajta) i vasoj nesebicnoj misiji u plivackom sportu Bugarske, Balkanskih zemalja i Evrope.   Welcome to our media, to one of the rare men in the region of the South-Eastern Europe, whose life is dedicated to the swimming sport... Congratulation for the 10-anniversary of the FBSS foundation and your great mission in the swimming sport of Bulgaria, the Balkans and Europe...
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Canov:  Veliko vam hvala! Veliko je zadovoljstvo biti intervjuisan od strane mojih velikih plivackih prijatelja sa dobro poznatog Swim Star Web Portal-a - najpopularnije plivacke medije u regionu jugo-istocne Evrope. 10-to godisnjica Prvog Bugarskog plivackog sajta, nije samo moj uspeh - to je predominantno opsti uspeh Asocijacije Bugarskih plivaca i nasih prijatelja i donatora. Sta vise, ovo se moze smatrati  praznikom za celokupni Bugarski plivacki pokret. Tsanov:  Thank you very much! It’s a great pleasure to be interviewed from my great swimming friends from the well-known Swim Star Web Portal (Serbia) – the most popular swim media at the region of the South-Eastern Europe. 10 years anniversary of the First Bulgarian Swimming Site isn’t only my achievement – that is primarily a common achievement of the Association of the Bulgarian swimmers and our supporters and contributors. Furthermore – a great holiday for all Bulgarian swimming movement. 
On the very first beginning...
Dozvolite da se vratimo deceniju unazad.. U prolece 2001, G-d G.Rasula Direktor kluba Swim Star 2000 i sef marketinga PSS, zamolio vas je da dodjete u Nis i budete gost Drzavnog prvenstva Srbije... Molim vas za vasa secanja.   Let us turn back a decade behind... In the spring of 2001, Mr.G.Rasula, head of the Swim Star 2000 and the PSS Marketing Board, asked you to come to the City of Nis and be a guest of the Serbian Summer Swim Champs... Your memories, please.
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Canov:  Zaista, 11 godina je proteklo?! Znate, vreme leti. Da, secam se veoma dobro tih dana u Nisu. Susreo sam se sa mojim najvecim prijateljem Goranom Rasulom. Videli smo se licem u lice i ja sam odmah spoznao da je to covek sa kojim cu zajednicki napraviti mir u istoriji Balkanskog plivanja. On voli plivanje svim svojim srcem, ali je on i zadivljujuci profesionalac. U Nisu sam sreo i druge Srpske prijatelje sa kojima saradnju imam i danas. Jednu cudnu pricu treba pomenuti. Ja govorim Srpski sasvim dobro, a zena prodavacica novina u Nisu mislila je da sam Srbin. Ali ja sam 100% Bugarin. Tsanov:  Really passed 11 years?! Oh, the time is really flying! Yes, I remember very well on the days in Nis. I’ve met my greatest friend Goran Rasula. I saw him face to face and I immediately knew that this is the man with whom I will make the piece of the Balkan swimming history together. He loved swimming with all his heart, but he is also an amazing professionalist. In Nis I’ve met many other swim friends of mine from Serbia. A part of that support and respect continue today. One funny story. I speak Serbian quite well and a woman seller of newspapers in Nis thought I‘m a Serb. But I’m 100% Bulgarian. 

The first idea on establishing an independent Web Swimming Media...
Ali vasi prvi ‘novinarski koraci’ napravljeni su za Swim Star Web Portal, mnogo pre tog momenta. Mogli bismo se prisetiti na prve informacije koje smo tada pronasli o Bugarskom sampionu Antonu Mihajlovu.. Vi ste bivsi poznati Bugarski plivac i drzavni rekorder... Recite nam nesto o vasoj prvoj ideji da iskoristite moderne tehnologije (Internet) i ulozite napore u novi razvoj plivanja, ne samo u vasoj zemlji, vec i izvan nje...   But your very first 'journalistic steps' have been made at the Swim Star Web Portal more before that. We could remind ourselves on some first info we've found there about the BUL Champion Anton Mihaylov... You are former Bulgarian well-known swimmer and record holder... Tell us something about your first idea to use the modern technologies (internet), and to inlay efforts in the new swimming development not only within your country, but also outside...
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Canov: Da, u pravu ste. Kad se Internet pojavio, shvatio sam da je to nase plivacko informativno oruzje – jeftino, brzo, mocno, siroko dostupno i nezavisno. Upravo sve ono sta nam je potrebno. Bili bismo velike budale, ako to ne koristimo. I mi to cinimo. Pogledajte danasnje rezultate – mi imamo vise posetilaca od tradicionalnih medija sa menadzmentima, uredjivackim strukturama, platama, velikim novcem iza njih i politickom podrskom. Nismo na pogresnom putu. Ali mi smo tek na pocetku.  Tsanov:  Yes, that’s right. Once the Internet has come, I realized that this media is our swim info weapon - cheap, fast, powerful, comprehensive and independent. All we need. We should be  great fools if we do not use it. And we do it. See the today’s results – we have more visitors than the traditional Medias with management, staff, salaries, big money behind and political support. No wrong way. And we are only at the beginning. 
Ivan Tsanov (right) with one of many swimming fans in Bulgaria...

On the First Bulgarian Swimming Site's achievements...
Od juna 2002.godine, Prvi Bugarski plivacki sajt razvija se svakog dana-meseca godine. Tehnicki tim sa Swim Star Web Portal-a davao vam je podrsku vise od 8 godina. Kakvo je vase misljenje o saradnji iz tog perioda u svetlu ideja da se formira siroka Balkanska plivacka kooperacija, komunikacija, kontakti i td.   From June 2002, the First Bulgarian Swimming Site develops each day-month-year. The technical team of the Swim Star Web Portal hosted your site for more then 8 years. What is your opinion about the cooperation from that time, under the light of the ideas to open up wide Balkan swim joining, communications, contacts, etc...
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Canov:  Moje misljenje podrazumeva samo jednu cinjenicu – to je bio ogroman posao! Tehnicki tim Swim Star Web Portal-a pomogao nam je ne samo da opstanemo, vec i da razvijemo nasu mediju. Zajednicki smo imali veliku misiju, cak istorijsku – da stvorimo fundament buducnosti Balkanske plivacke saradnje na informativnom planu. Swim Star Web Portal i First Bulgarian Swimming Site su to stvorili. Najvazniji deo toga stvoren je nakon 10 godina ogromnih napora. Mi ocekujemo medjutim da ce se tome prikljuciti i druge Balkanske zemlje, mada tu nazalost nismo imali dovoljno uspeha. Mi najvise insistiramo na konekcijama u Turskoj, Grckoj i Rumuniji – mi imamo kontakte sa njima, ali oni su sporadicni i retki. Na primer, plivacki mediji iz Grcke, ne odgovaraju na nase pozive. Nije mi jasno zasto. Ohrabrujuci znaci dolaze iz Crne Gore, Albanije, Kipra i Bosne i Hercegovine. Mi smo svi u istom brodu. Mi nismo politicari, mi smo plivaci, mi smo prijatelji i mi izgradjujemo mostove. Ne zelimo da ostanemo sami. Pridruzite nam se! Tsanov:  My opinion considers only one fact – a great job! The technical team of the Swim Star Web Portal helped us not only to survive, but also to develop our media. We have together a great mission, even historical – to make a kernel of the future Balkan swim co-operations in the information field. The Swim Star Web Portal and the First Bulgarian Swimming Site did that. The kernel is formed after 10 years of big efforts. We expect however that it will be joined by others Balkan countries - unfortunately we have no success so far. We empathy mostly about the connections in Turkey, Greece and Romania – we have connections with them but they are sporadic and rare. For instance, the Greek swim Medias never answer to our appeals. I have no idea why it is so. Encouraging signs come from Montenegro, Albania, Cyprus and Bosnia and Herzegovina. We are in the same boat. We aren’t politicians, we are the swimmers, we are the friends, and we build bridges. We don’t want to stay alone. Join to us! 
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Zaista sam ponosan i moram da kazem, da je nasa saradnja podigla mnoge interese medju klubovima, trenerima i plivacima na mnogo razlicitih strana... Omogucili smo dolazak Bugarskih sportista u Srbiju, Srpskih u Bugarsku, Srpskih i Makedonskih u Sofiju, Bugarskih u Sloveniju, Crnu Goru, Grcku, Bosnu i Hercegovinu... Nova Bugarska zvezda Kadoglu, bila je najbolji plivac na ovogodisnjem Mimoza Kupu 2012 u Crnoj Gori.... Sve te obaveze trebalo bi da budu u rukama BSF-a, PSS-a i nacionalnih plivackih federacija. Osecam da oficijali tih federacija u Regionu Balkana, nisu mogli da prepoznaju nase ideje. All right... I'm proud to tell that our cooperation lifted up many interests among clubs, coaches and swimmers, on many different sides ... We brought BUL athletes to Serbia, SRB athletes to Bulgaria, SRB and Macedonian athletes to Sofia, BUL athletes to Slovenia, Montenegro, Greece, BIH.... BUL new swim star Kadoglu was the top meet performer at the recent Montenegro Mimosa Cup 2012... All those duties have to be in hands of the BSF, PSS and other National Federations. I feel that officials from the Federations in the wide Region of the Balkan could not recognize your and our ideas.
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Canov:  Da, pomogli smo mnogim plivacima, trenerima i ljubiteljima plivanja izmedju i izvan Balkanskih granica. Obicni ljudi znaju to i nama su zahvalni. Plivaci su nacelno izuzetno zahvalni ljudi. Oficijali Balkanskih plivackih federacija imaju drugu obavezu – da organizuju takmicarsko plivanje. Mi smo medija – imamo obavezu informisanja. Mi smo obavili nas medijski posao i mozemo mirno da spavamo. Iskljucivo ce istorija reci svoju poslednju rec.. Tsanov: Yes, we helped many swimmers, coaches and fans between and out of the Balkan borders. The ordinary people know it and thank to us. The swimmers are generally grateful peoples. The officials from the Balkan federations have the other mission – to manage the competitive swimming. We are Medias – we have to inform. We’ve made our Media job and can sleep calm. Ultimately history will say the last word. 
The "Swimming & Water Polo" Magazine - in hands of the new Sofia's swimming talents
On the international swimming cooperation that has been established...
Kontakti sa plivackim trenerim, plivacima, oficijalima i prijateljima u drugim zemljama, stvoreni od strane Ivana Canova u prethodnih 10 godina, podigli su nove talase u domenu prikaza cinjenica koje se ticu obrazovanja, isticanja  istorijskih podataka (dve knjige o Bugarskom livanju), plivacke statistike (R.Atanassov), mastersi, i td. Neki od vasih grandioznih clanaka o plivanju u Grckoj, Rumuniji, Albaniji, Rusiji, Turskoj i td., moraju takodje biti pomenuti... Govorite nekoliko jezika.. Vi takodje citate i na Srpskom jeziku... Dake, recite nam koliko vremena potrosite na Srpske i druge plivacke medije?   The connections with swim coaches, swimmers, officials and friends in other countries, all made by Ivan Tsanov, in the previous 10 years brought out new waves in the domain of presenting the facts that treat education, historical data (books about BUL swimming), swim statistics (R. Atanassov), masters swimming, etc. Few of your great articles on the swimming in Greece, Romania, Albania, Russia, Turkey, etc., have to be mentioned, too... You speak several languages... You also can fully read in Serbian language... So, tell us how many times you're spending on the Serbian and other swim media?
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Canov:  Pre svega ja sam posvecen Bugarskom plivanju i Bugarskim plivacima. Ja to cinim ne zbog novca, slave ili popularnosti. Drugo, ja zelim da pomazem interesima Balkanskog plivanja i Balkanskim plivacima. Ja volim Balkan – zadivljujuce mesto za zivot. Ja mislim da je plivacki sport najbitniji sport na svetu i cak Bozije cudo. On je naravno i biznis. Mi treba da naucimo kako da tretiramo takmicarsko plivanje, kao trezor za sticanje profita. Takmicarsko plivanje sirom sveta je biznis vredan milijarde. To nije sala. Plivanje je san, plivanje je pasija, i plivnje je buducnost. Mi smo srecni ljudi ! Tsanov:  First, I’m the servant of the Bulgarian swimming and the Bulgarian swimmers. I do it not for money, fame or glory. Secondly, I want to help the Balkan swimming and the Balkan swimmers. I love the Balkans – amazing place for life. I think the sport of swimming is the greatest sport in the world and even a God’s miracle. It’s also a business. We need to learn how to trite with competitive swimming as an enterprise for earn the profit. The competitive swimming worldwide is a business worth billions. That isn’t a joke. The swimming is dream, the swimming is passions, and the swimming is the future. We are the lucky men! 
On the ABS - Association of the Bulgarian Swimmers...
.ABS – Asocijacija Bugarskih plivaca, osnovana je 2009.godine... Vi ste jedna od tri osobe koje su projektovale nove iskorake i vasoj zemlji. Vi ste aktivni i u mastersima. Mozete li nam reci nesto o tim aktivnostima? ABS - the Association of the Bulgarian Swimmers is founded in 2009... You are one of three persons who projected new steps in your country. You are still active in the Masters swimming. Could you tell us something about that? 
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Canov:  Asocijacija Bugarskih plivaca je mlada organizacija, Za nepune 4 godine postigli smo velike uspehe. Iza nas je voma jaka medija FBSS i jedinstveni stampani plivacki magazin “Plivanje i Vaterpolo”, Facebook grupa okuplja 1400 korisnika, a nalazimo se i na Tweeter mrezi. Mi organizujemo decija i masters takmicenja, pomazemo Bugarskom plivanju na svim nivoima i u inostranstvu. Masters plivanje je buducnost u plivackom sportu. Pazite – na predstojecem 14. Fina masters sampionatu u Riconeu (Italija), participirace 8,900 plivaca. U Bugarskoj, masters plivanje je eksplodiralo. Na nasem nacionalnom masters prvenstvu (najstarijem na Balkanu), uzelo je ucesce 360 mastersa. Za 5-10 godina, ocekujem da ce to biti 600-700-800 takmicara ucesnika. Tsanov:  Association of the Bulgarian swimmers is a young organization. But only for 4 years we’ve achieved the big successes. We have very strong Medias – FBSS and the unique hard copy swim magazine “Swimming&Water polo”, Facebook group (1400 members) and Twitter account. We conduct kids and Masters tournaments, we support BG swimming at all levels and abroad. The Masters swimming is the future of the swimming. Judge for yourself – at the 14th FINA Masters Swimming Championships in Riccione (Italy) will participate 8,900 swimmers. In Bulgaria the Masters swimming exploded. At our National Masters Champs (the oldest one at the Balkans) take part 360 oldies. I expect after 5-10 years will be 600-700-800 participants. 
Nikolay Krastev, President and Ivan Tsanov, Secretary general, chives of the ABS.
Eilate (Israel)
Promotion of the ABS - Association of the BUL swimmers in the Masters Camp in Eilate (Israel 2010)
About the future FBSS's plans...
Pocevsi od 2010.godine, FBSS se preselio na nove servere, prethodno ste boravili kod provajdera u USA, sada u Sofiji. Novi izgled, web dizajn, novi segmenti iz vodenih sportova ce biti dopunjavani i ispraceni. Recite nam nesto o planovima, a isto tako i ljudima koji ce biti involvirani u to. Started 2010, the FBSS moved to the new servers, previously at the providers in the USA, now in Sofia. New look, web design, new segments in the aquatics would be covered and found. Tell us something about plans as well as the people who are involved in?
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Canov: Nas main-stream je da zelimo da razvijamo FBSS kao profesionalni medij za vodene sportove. Imamo uspeha u pojedinim poglavljima. Nas portl uredjuju vrhunski sportski novinari Nikolay Krastev, Vassilen Dimitrov i moja malenkost. Ako se nesto bitno dogodi u Bugarskom plivackom sportu (cak i u najdubljoj provinciji), mi mozemo imati vest nakon jednog minuta. Veoma smo popularni ne samo u Bugarskoj, vec i sirom Balkana – najvise u FYR Makedonija (bugarski dijalekt), Srbiji (slicni jezik) i Turskoj. Citani smo takodje i u Americi, Nemackoj i Italiji.  Tsanov:  We’ve succeeded in some segments. Our media is made by top sport journalists – Nikolay Krastev, Vassilen Dimitrov and me. We have also a huge number of supporters and friends across the country. If something important happens in Bulgarian’s sport of swimming (even in the deepest province) we learn about it after one minute. We are very popular not only in Bulgaria, but also at the Balkans – mostly in FYR of Macedonia (BG dialect), Serbia (similar language) and Turkey. We have fame also in USA, Germany and Italy.
On the personal engagements, beside the swimming sport...
Vi ste magistar psihologije i doktor u menadzmentu kao i profesor na Univerzitetu nacionalne i svetske ekonomije u Sofiji. Imate divnu porodicu, zenu i cerku Cvetu. Kako mozete da uskladite vase obaveze u kuci, u vasoj profesiji i plivanju koje je posveceno ne samo dogadjajima u Bugarskoj vec i svetu? Vas radni dan mora da traje mnogo vise od 24 casa? We have to mention that you are MSC in psychology and PhD in management and the professor at the University of National and World Economy in Sofia. You have a nice family, wife and daughter Tsveta. How can you calm your duties at home, in your profession and the swimming, all devoted not only to Bulgaria, but also worldwide? Your working days must consider more then 24 hours?
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Canov:  Nemam problem sa cerkom, zato sto je permanentno na PC igricama. Ozbilno govoreci, tajna je ispravno organizovati vase vreme, predominantno odgovoriti prvo prioritetimoa. Tsanov:  I have no problem with my daughter because she plays permanently PC Games. Seriously speaking the secret is to allocate your time properly with the most important priorities first.
Instead of conclusion - Words of thanks and messages...
Na kraju, izuzetno cenim i ponosan sam na dosadasnju saradnju i zeleo bih da istu nastavimo sa istim zarom u buducnosti. Nadam se da mozemo privuci i druge ljude u Regionu Balkana i sire oblasti. Nema sumnje, plivacki sport je nas zivot... At the end, I appreciate and I'm proud for the cooperation so far, and would like to continue with the same flame in the future. Hope that we might join other people in the Region of the Balkans and wider area. No doubt, swimming sport is our life...
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Canov:  Da, takmicarsko plivanje je nas zivot. Zeleo bih da posaljem poruku Balkanskoj plivackoj javnosti. Budite ponosni sto ste plivaci. Borite se za plivanje svakog dana, svakog casa, svakog sekunda. Mi moramo biti pametniji, vise kompetivniji i vise prilagodljivi. Moramo da da iznesemo plivanje na najvisi vrh. Plivacki sport je br.1 u svetu. Ali samo ujedinjeni, mi bismo mogli stici do tog cilja. Tsanov:  Yes, the competitive swimming is our life. I’d like to send a message to the Balkan swimming audience. Be proud to be a swimmer. Fight for swimming every day, every hour, every second. We need to be cleverer, more competitive, and more flexible. We have to bring swimming on the highest peak. The swimming is sport ?1 in the world. But only unified we could reach that goal. 
  By Igor Rasula, MA in Journalism, AIPS id SRB05252
Direct contact to Dr.Ivan Tsanov may be made via the next e-mail: ivan_tsanov@yahoo.com
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