© 1999 - 2006  Web Swim Net dedicated to the swim audience of the wide Region of the Balkan and SE Europe

Give us your opinion about this presentation, send us a few words, we'll be thankful for your suggestions.
We'd like to greet you here, in Belgrade, in the near future.
We wish to meet more swim-enthusiasts and make new friends all over the world.
We're just passionate devotees of the swimming sport.
Mrs. Olivera Mladenovic, President, Swim Star 2000 Swim Club, Belgrade (Sept. 20, 1999)

 Also, we would like to put up more links for other swim clubs and swimmers (please mail us your URL); we wish to exchange email
and to organize exchange visits in your country. 
If you have any inquiry or just want to write down some words click right there:.swimstar2000@gmail.com

© 1999-2006 All rights reserved by SWIM STAR 2000 Swimming Club, Belgrade and MGI Agency, Belgrade
The page is best viewed  under IE ver 5.0 or later  in the resolution of 1024x768 pcs
Updated on October 18, 2006 under the supervision Swim Star 2000 SC, Belgrade